The study focused on the analysis of nativization of Swahili borrowed words in Kijita. Jita language is one of the Bantu native languages spoken in Tanzania around the eastern shores of Lake Victoria in Mara region and partly in Mwanza region. The objectives of the study were to find out Swahili nativized words in Jita language and to describe the phonological processes used to nativized loanwords from Swahili to Jita language, lastly is to identify the factors for Swahili loanwords in Kijita

The study explains the concept of nativization and studies related to various scholars revels in this chapter who explained the concept of nativization for instance Mutua (2007) analyzed Kikamba nativized loanwords. Batibo (1995) discussed on Loanword clusters nativization rules in Tswana and Swahili. Hock (1991) discusses the phonological nativization of loanwords in general terms without making reference to any specific languages. Uffmann (1993) discusses vowel epenthesis in Shona loanwords from English. Mberia (2004) discusses the phonological behaviour of borrowed words in Kitharaka.

In this study the researcher used a qualitative approach during the data presentation also researcher applied the research design which is introspective and descriptive design. Also. The research applied sampling techniques, data collection methods, and data analysis

The data collected has been analyzed and being transcribed, the phonological process of nativized borrowed word in Kijita where analysed under the theory of CV phonology. That process was identified such as insertion (vowel insertion, epenthesis consonant, and vowel), cluster tolerance, metathesis.

The study has provided a way for further study, the researcher recommends that the analysis of nativization of the borrowed words with other Bantu languages should be conducted to widen the future learner's knowledge concerning nativization and other phonological processes. The researcher advises other researchers to work specifically in Kijita dialect to obtain if there are differences and any similarities of the nativized words in Kijita. Also, there other theories that can be used in the analysis of borrowed mostly the nativized words. Lastly. The study basically used the word-formation process specifically on the borrowing process, the research recommends that further researchers should look at other levels such as morphology, semantic and pragmatic.